Order and Refund Information
Change or Cancel an Order
If you wish to change or cancel an order contact our Customer Service team through Local Call on 1 800 941 0708 any time between 8am and midnight GMT Monday to Friday. We will make changes according to your specifications.
Please note that an order cannot be cancelled within 24 hours of delivery date/time.
Track your order
To check your order status, just click on the My Order Status link on the Customer Services page, sign in and then track your order from there. You will be able to see your Order Status along with your Order No., Date of Order and Product name.
Your Purchase History
If you want to see your previous orders, sign in with your ID and Password through My Account link and you would be able to see full details of your purchases. You can even view your previous samples by clicking My Samples on the left panel of the same page.
Money back guarantee
Logoinn™ offers 100% Money back guarantee on logo design packages only. We don’t offer 100% money back guarantee on website, banner or brochure samples and if the original price of the order is less than $90.00, however, we levy a fixed amount of $90.00 as admin fees and the remaining amount will be refunded to you. For more details, click on Money back guarantee page. Please note that refund are only applicable on design elements and where specified. Where we have started coding, developing, proofreading or copywriting work, there will NOT be any refund.
Refund procedure and policy
There is 100% refund on logo designs only. Moreover, we levy $90.00 admin fees on website, banner and brochure design samples. Where the original price or the total order value is less than $90.00, there will not be any refund. Complete details of the refund procedure are on Money back guarantee and the refund policy is mentioned on Terms & conditions.